How do I install the Lasso bookmarklet on an iPad?

Installing the Lasso bookmarklet in Safari on an iPad is a little trickier than on a desktop browser, but you can do so by following the steps below. If you still are having trouble, please contact us at

Part One - Creating a Bookmark

1. Pull up in a browser tab.

2. Create a bookmark for by doing the following...

a. Tap the Share icon, which looks like this:


b. Then tap the Bookmark icon, which looks like this: 

3. Then select the Location for the Bookmarklet - Favorites is a good choice.


Good work! Once you've created the bookmark, then we'll need to edit it to install the bookmarklet.


Part Two - Installing the actual Bookmarklet

1. Copy the following snippet of code to your clipboard:

javascript: (function(){ var a=window,b=document,c=encodeURIComponent,x;if(a.XMLHttpRequest){x=new XMLHttpRequest}else{x=new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP')}x.onreadystatechange=function(){var''+c(b.location),'MsgWindow','left='+((a.screenX||a.screenLeft)+10)+',top='+((a.screenY||a.screenTop)+10)+',height=650px, width=500px, resizable=1, alwaysRaised=1, scrollbars=yes');x.onreadystatechange=null;};'POST','',true);x.setRequestHeader('Content-type','application/x-www-form-urlencoded');x.send('action=initialize-bookmark&url='+c(b.location)+'&html='+c(b.documentElement.innerHTML))  })();

2. Tap the bookmark icon in the browser and then tap Favorites.

3. Tap Edit in the bottom right corner of the dropdown menu.

4. Tap the Lasso bookmark that you created earlier.

5. Tap in the title field and then clear the text by tapping the clear icon:

6. Enter the text "Save to Lasso", or whatever you'd like to name the bookmarklet.

7. Tap in the URL field, and then tap the clear icon like you did with the title.

8. Tap into this field again and the tap Paste - this will put in the bookmarklet code you copied earlier.

9. Tap Done, then Done again to close out of the bookmark drop down.

Yahoo - you're done!


Saving to Lasso

Now that you've got the bookmarklet installed, you can easily save listings to Lasso.

1. Open Safari and head to a Real Estate portal like or Trulia.

2. Find a listing you like.

3. Open your bookmarks and choose Save to Lasso!

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