How do I unshare a Corral?

There are two ways to unshare a Corral:

  1. Select the Corral you would like to unshare from the Corral dropdown list then click on the share icon. This will bring up a window displaying your current share settings. You’ll be able to see the people you are currently sharing this Corral with. To unshare the Corral, click the x next to each of the people you would like to unshare this Corral with.
  2. The second way to share a corral is by clicking on your user icon in the top-right hand corner of your screen and selecting “Manage Corrals” from the dropdown that appears. On this page, you will be presented with a list of all your Corrals. Find the corral you would like unshare and click the ‘Share Settings’ link. You’ll be able to see the people you are currently sharing this Corral with. To unshare the Corral, click the x next to whomever you would like to unshare this Corral with.
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